Morning Routine That Will Change Your Life

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I began this morning routine about 10 years ago. In the beginning, I was on and off and it was hard to stick to a routine I was not used to. However, once I truly dedicated myself to this morning routine it was then I began to see results and my life truly change.

Discovering the Morning Routine

Years ago while endlessly scrolling through Netflix I came across a documentary The Secret. It is no longer on Netflix. But you can find it on Prime Video or read the book. Which, I also did because I loved it so much! The author shared a simple but amazing concept; positive energy attracts positive things into your life. What we put out we bring in. This is the law of attraction. Therefore changing your thoughts can change your life.

However, many of us struggle to control the mind, to control the pessimist we all have inside of us telling us we are not good enough, talented enough, pretty enough, smart enough, or successful enough. So in return, we typically don’t live up to our fullest potential. Further feeding those insecurities.

morning routine, self care, the morning routine, couple morning routine, morning routine ideas, morning routine idea, idea for self care, growth mindset,

However, what if every time we thought to ourselves I can’t do this we shifted our mindset and said we could? What if every time we thought we weren’t skinny enough, we looked in the mirror and told ourselves we love our bodies? Would better things happen to us in life? would we blossom? Well according to The Secret yes! And according to first-hand experience, I can tell you YES! So click this link to buy the book and see your transformation begin.

Implementing the Morning Routine

Now every morning I follow a morning routine that involves putting out positive energy to attract positive outcomes. Since I started this morning routine I have attracted amazing things into my life, like buying a house in Hawaii, then buying a second house in Florida, meeting my husband who loves and respects me, traveling abroad, debt-free, and having inner peace. Now the law of attraction doesn’t mean it’s going to be sunshine and daisies all the time. Life will still have its ups and downs but the more mindful you are the better it gets.

With these 3 steps, you can manifest your dream life.

  1. First, create a vision board, and truly think about what your dream life looks like. Look at these images or visualize them every morning. See yourself as if you are living that life.
  2. Next, journal. Set your intentions for the day and list what you are grateful for. Ex. of an intention, I will be kind to everyone I encounter. Ex. of gratitude, I am grateful for the abundance I have in my life.
  3. Finally, read your list of affirmations. I create a list of affirmations that I feel align with my goals or areas of myself that I need to strengthen. Feel free to create one that is unique to you. However, is you need some help, here is my current list of affirmations. Feel free to use them if they resonate with you, and cheers to manifesting our dream lives!
morning routine, self care, the morning routine, couple morning routine, morning routine ideas, morning routine idea, idea for self care, growth mindset,

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This post is all about the morning routine that will change your life

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